Ikea Eesti

International company requires a global platform that supports development

An international, rapidly growing company requires a rapidly growing and robust solution that caters to the most complex demands.

IKEA is a global company dedicated to the home. Each product represents an idea of a better home. IKEA Group operates 460 stores in 62 countries*. The first pick-up and order point in Estonia was opened in Tallinn in 2019, followed by a planning studio in Tartu in 2021. The first large Ikea store was opened in 2022 in the village of Kurna, near Tallinn. To manage its processes, the HRM4Baltics solution was deployed. As an ERP solution, the company uses LSCentral, Business Central's specialised retail solution.


  • Use of different, disconnected software systems Manual data transfer
  • Staff growth from 150 to nearly 500 employees in one year
  • Various salary schemes and a lot of manual data entry
  • Deployment of timesheet


HRM4Baltics is an HR management and payroll solution based on Business Central. The functionality of the system is divided into three packages that ensure the smooth operation of processes, meeting the needs of the company in various areas: working time accounting, payroll accounting, human resource management.

  • HRM4Baltics Extended package
  • X-Road services: Estonian Health Insurance Fund and Employment Register

As an ERP solution, the company uses LSCentral, Business Central’s specialised retail solution.


  • Automated payroll accounting
  • All payroll and human resource data in one solution
  • Automatic interface with the state – direct exchange with the state from the HRM4Baltics Solution, regarding information on employment relationships and certificates of incapacity for work


Commerce 501 - 1000 people Finished

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Amserv Grupp