Tech Group

Growth of the company necessitated automated HR management

This long-established electronics and mechanical engineering company has implemented Microsoft solutions across its entire supply chain.

Tech Group is a company that manufactures machinery for diverse sectors, including high-tech industries and waste management. The main focus is on project design and problem solving. The company has been in business since 2003, operating from its 3,000-square-metre factory in Tallinn. In 2021, more than 600 different machines were produced.


Adopting a comprehensive HR solution on the Business Central platform, aiming to eradicate errors and manual data entry.


  • HRM4Baltics Extended package
  • X-Road services: Unemployment Insurance Fund and Employment Register

As an ERP solution, Dynamics 365 Business Central is in use.


  • Automated payroll and additional remuneration accounting
  • All payroll, human resources and financial information in one solution
  • Automatic interface with the state – direct exchange with the state from the HRM4Baltics Solution, regarding information on employment relationships and certificates of incapacity for work
  • Payroll and working hour accounting in the same solution


Production 101 - 200 people Finished

‘Automation and robotisation are gaining momentum on the back of what is an overall trend in industry. We see a lot of opportunities for growth, because of which we have also invested heavily in the development of our organisation.’

Martin Sutrop | Tech Group CEO

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