Case Studies

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Complex salary formulas, diverse currencies, and multiple countries narrowed down the options for the HRM solution.
Rahva Raamat
A large team with complex processes required a proficient HRM solution
Estonian Air Navigation Services
Complex performance pay systems required a powerful solution
Kuressaare Veevärk
Transition from manual to digital working time accounting
Saarte Liinid
Payroll accounting was in dire need of automation
Harju Elekter Grupp
Global industrial group needed an international HRM platform
Strategic infrastructure company chose the HRM4Baltics solution
SOL Baltics
How can you recruit 150 people every month? HRM is the most important and intricate process in SOL
Limestone Factories of Estonia
The mining industry is being digitalised and smart solutions are in demand
Nordic Milk OÜ | Farmi Piimatööstus
Volume of manual input in HRM processes needed to be tackled
A new HRM solution was needed in less than a month
Estplast Tootmine
Integrating ERP and HRM onto a unified platform